Friday, August 30, 2024

The Election Story Nobody Wants to Talk About

The Election Story Nobody Wants to Talk About: A Q&A with David Neiwert, America’s foremost writer and thinker on far-right extremism, on what might happen if Trump wins—or loses

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Conservative Historian on the Republican Campaign


Heather Cox Richardson
August 17, 2024
Letters From an American: August 16 2024
Republican dominance is cracking as Trump struggles and Vance offends people, and as that dominance falls away, the many things it covered are starting to get attention—among them, stories of Republican corruption. And they’re doozies.  

Books at Florida-based New College being disposed of in a dumpster, (photo: USA Today 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

: California Forced Deportations

antiracismdsa: California Forced Deportations:     California must recognize historic forced deportations, lawmakers say. ‘Ripped families apart    In California news:  California Democra...

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Teacher for Vice President


Tim Walz has been a great governor, and he will be a great vice president. He is an inspired choice. We supported him when he ran for Congress and governor, and for good reason: He has provided record funding for public education, protected reproductive rights, and expanded collective bargaining, affordable child care and paid family and medical leave. And he did it with the slimmest of majorities.

Maybe Walz is so successful because he’s a teacher. He was a longtime social studies teacher in Mankato, Minn., and a member of Education Minnesota, the AFT and the National Education Association. Think about how incredible it would be to have someone with such deep understanding of our schools serving as vice president. 

Let’s get the word out about his record right away, before the Trump campaign tries to smear him. Will you share this graphic?

Harris Walz 2024

The contrast couldn’t be clearer: Tim Walz is a small-town schoolteacher and military guy who has consistently given back to his community. He embraces the goodness of America and believes in being kind and helping those around you. While Walz taught high school, JD Vance was working as a venture capitalist—gambling with investments and more concerned with Silicon Valley profits than how to help his community. While Walz has increased funding for public schools, Trump and Vance want to cut funds for poor kids, Head Start and food programs and pass voucher programs that take money from public schools.

Together Harris and Walz are about the future: Opportunity for all. Freedom for all. They’re a team that will put the American people first, instead of Trump’s personal grievances and Vance’s weird obsessions with controlling other people’s bodies. Harris and Walz are forthright and honest, with a plan to get things done.

We don’t have a moment to waste. We have fewer than 100 days to do this. I know I want a teacher with a track record of leadership as our vice president.

In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President

Humphrey Without Vietnam, but More Down-Home

Humphrey Without Vietnam, but More Down-Home: Today on TAP: Tim Walz, in the best Minnesota traditions